The Beginner’s Guide to Clean Design

Visitors to your website want it to be easy and informative so they can find what they need quickly. Giving them clear direction and wide open spaces to focus on that direction is the key to a great user experience, and you achieve that through clean design.

What is clean design?

Uncrowded graphics elements and simple visual themes are the essential components of clean design. A simple color palette, bold images, minimal copy and lots of space help visitors to focus on your key messages and take the action you want them to take.

Fewer choices = Happier Visitors

Website designers talk a lot about the journey your visitor will take through your site. That’s because if your visitors are wandering around your pages confused and frustrated, it’ll only be a matter of seconds before they click away.

It’s important to determine the purpose of each section of your website, present it simply, and lead visitors to take action. The VAST majority of website visitors only ever scan your pages, so your products or services should be easy to find and never more than a click away.

But, what if I like clutter?

You’re going to have to trust the experts on this one, friend. Luckily, we’re right here. Talk to us about your goals, what your consumers are looking for, and then let us help you pick a design that works. It’s true that much of design is subjective, but there is evidence that cleaner, simpler designs produce better results than cluttered ones.

Bells and whistles certainly have their place, but if your customers don’t want them or —worse—are confused by them, why would you want them? Focus on what your consumers want and need first and you’ll be on your way to success.

Amanda Surratt

Web designer, copywriter, brand specialist. Founding partner pk&Coop. Founded in Brooklyn, NY in 2018, pk&Coop designs websites for sole proprietors & small businesses.

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